Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inspiring crap TV

I love weight loss shows: The Biggest Loser, Fat Families, Too Fat for Fifteen.  I mean, I don’t watch them that often, they are quite repetitive and my time can be better spent say – exercising.  But today I watched one (while eating Chinese food LOL hmm) and I cried my eyes out when Daniel fell below the red line. 

I guess I just love the transformation, someone losing 100 pounds is like turning Steve Buscemi into Brad Pitt; looks wise of course.  Steve is a much better actor already. J    It’s just so exciting and uplifting.  I would like to lose 5 pounds, but that is not going to inspire anyone.   I would have to learn a new language or something to compare...   Nope that wouldn't compare either!

Update: Visa Application still not arrived in Mississauga; it will be a month tomorrow since we sent it.  Now I am getting nervous it's lost.  No movement from the 'delivery depo' since 29th June!  GAH.  I know I shouldn't worry about things beyond my control, but it would be really unfortunate if it is gone.  Hoping for the best.


Tanya said...

Hey kimmers, they just started postal delivery again about a week or two ago so they are backed up trying to get all the priority mail out to people. I.e. bills that need to be paid. I'm sure they will catch up soon.

Jen said...

Yeah, the postal strike caused a HUGE backlog in mail. My dad texted me yesterday and told me that like 5 things showed up for me on the same day (all of which I ordered over a month ago) so dont fret too much ;-)

Kimberly Ann said...

It will be 3 weeks on Tuesday since the mail started again. My my mail is priority!! LOL well what I mean to say is that we paid for priority delivery so... gal dangit come on! :P