Sunday, October 12, 2008

Strawberry Hill Walk

This Saturday Mark and I went for a walk from Syon Lane to Strawberry Hill.

The weather was great, around 20 degrees.

This is the gate at Syon Park, it is now disused. Syon Park was the London residence of Duke of Northumberland where Lady Jane Gray was crowned the Queen of England.

This was/is the Duke of Northumberland's Estate.

Mark and I had a lovely lunch at this pub on the river. We sat outside on the deck and the sun felt fantastic.

A creepy old boat on the river at low tide.

And a creepy old bike!

This place is called Marble Hill House, it looks so nice but when you get close the windows are all boarded up and no one lives there!

This place was a little gothic castle. Some guy built it for fun in the 1740s.

1 comment:

Why am I here??? said...

What a picture perfect blue sky....geez you'd never see anything like that in Korea.

Thanks for the comments on my site and welcome back to blogger (although I still read your other travel blog too).

I can't believe we will meet again at Christamas. Tanya's working on setting a date for the annual Christmas party.

You're looking great as ever (you always look great). See you soon my friend ;)