Once I read Jen B's blog and she had 100 resolutions I thought I should think of a few more.
- I would like to restart knitting (I got all this yarn for Christmas last last year and all the sudden I stopped knitting, must get on that)
- I would like to get to the gym at least twice a week. (So far this is going pretty well as there is this pilatess class on Wednesday evenings that I really enjoy going to, and I usually get to the gym on Sundays. So maybe I should try for 3 times!)
- I am only going to eat McDonald's on 6 occations in the entire year. (So basically once every 2 months, so it would be best to go as long as I can before the first time; save up my times :).
- Less snacking at work
- To be more friendly and open in work and social situations.
- To get the 7:55 train to work everyday and not sleep in and get the 8:15 which makes me late for work
- I need to decide what is happening in my life in the second half of 2011 and also 2012 (I need to do this be thinking seriously about whether I would like to go back for more schooling and in WHAT. )
That last one is a big one, gulp.
6 TIMES!!! I did not know you were a McDonald's goer...I have not been to McDonalds since 2008 when I got the two cheeseburger meal in Aman, Jordan, when it was +56 outside...not a good idea.
Thats probably what helped put you off of it for the last 3 years! I was bad before Christmas, going to Micky-D's for lunch about once every 2 weeks, maybe more!! Its because I don't like lunch times. Booo lunch too hard to pick what to eat and too lazy to pre-pack!
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