Monday, August 10, 2009

Fiona and Andy's 1st Wedding Anniversary party

Good Evening!! Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post (Mom, Scoo, Aunt Marilyn and co.) and those who comment generally (Tanya, Jen :) I love you guys too! And I am looking very much forward to my visit to the big R.

This lovely partyscene below is Fiona and Andy's backyard. A beautiful evening and it is the fancy-est I have even felt with eating out of doors! (Yes Scoo, I do need to wrok on my spelling!!)

Mark looking especially lovely!
We took the table at the back of the garden (which was actually the front of the "stage") YAY. Fiona is a co-worker of mine, and our from the Carbon Trust were there as well. Mark and I met Di, Garren and Ben (who are in middle in the picture below) at Kings Cross train station on our way to the party.
And guess who was on the stage!?!?
ELVIS! :) He was no Rory Allen but he sang pretty well and was churning out the hits!
It was really cool that Fiona got Elvis for her backyard!!
Di and I did some dancing in the grass.
This is Fiona; she is lovely!
Di and Fif
Posing in our dancing spot.
Elvis was pretty flashy!
And I think his zipper was slipping down through the night!!


Why am I here??? said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit Kim! You look radiant!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmers,
Thanks for the pictures and running commentry, it feels like I was there! Elvis looks great and so do you, I like your unfit! That is a very nice picture of Mark. very high class for a 1st anniversary! Glad to see you enjoying the people while you are over there!
Love you, honey!