Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cest Laloween

Hey! This is the decorating I did on the front of the house. The little snail liked my skull!!
We got 32 kids. I think that is pretty good for England!!

The House

I am listening to the beginning of the Rider game right now and am very nerous as we can seem to do much. Penalty to get our first down! UGG its getting ugly.
Anyways this is how the main floor looks now with us living in it. I love that tv!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Musings on Turning Back the Clocks

First off I would like to say I am for Day Light Savings time. Having expirenced it for the last two years in London, and no major inconviences or calamities have occured, I can't see what the fuss is about from the anti people.

But I do have to say it is pretty weird leaving work on a Friday before dusk on October 22nd in and then leaving work on the Monday after at the same time in total darkness.

My only complaint is (at least in England's case) why arn't we on Daylight Savings Time all the time! Who cares about those morning hours, at that happens is the trekk into work.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New House!

This is our new residence. We are moving in 23 Oct. It is a 2 bedroom house, also with a little loft. It is in Bromley, which is in the South East of London. Bromley town centre is very close by (5/10 minute walk) which has a movie theater and a shopping mall. WOOO Hoooo. More pics to come when we actually move in.

Moving Out!

Before I came home to Regina to visit, I moved out of my room on South Park Crescent. This has been my home for 1.5 years. Hard to believe I had been there that long. Mick was there to see me off. I think he will miss me! As I was a model tennant!! :) I am staying with Mark right now and on 23 October we are moving into our own (well rented) little house! I am very excited; pictures to come.


Mark and I had a special Roast Chicken supper last Sunday in honour of thanksgiving. Mmmm


I seized the day on Friday and after work I went to the O2 arena and bought a ticket in the nose-bled section (that was all that was left!) for the finals of the Women's All Round Gymnastics World championship finals. It was cool, I don't think I will gt to World championships that often so...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Amazing Stage of U2

The concert was quite good, but the stage was pretty amazing. I guess I couldn't contain my - - -errrr joy? LOL very scarey face!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fiona and Andy's 1st Wedding Anniversary party

Good Evening!! Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post (Mom, Scoo, Aunt Marilyn and co.) and those who comment generally (Tanya, Jen :) I love you guys too! And I am looking very much forward to my visit to the big R.

This lovely partyscene below is Fiona and Andy's backyard. A beautiful evening and it is the fancy-est I have even felt with eating out of doors! (Yes Scoo, I do need to wrok on my spelling!!)

Mark looking especially lovely!
We took the table at the back of the garden (which was actually the front of the "stage") YAY. Fiona is a co-worker of mine, and our from the Carbon Trust were there as well. Mark and I met Di, Garren and Ben (who are in middle in the picture below) at Kings Cross train station on our way to the party.
And guess who was on the stage!?!?
ELVIS! :) He was no Rory Allen but he sang pretty well and was churning out the hits!
It was really cool that Fiona got Elvis for her backyard!!
Di and I did some dancing in the grass.
This is Fiona; she is lovely!
Di and Fif
Posing in our dancing spot.
Elvis was pretty flashy!
And I think his zipper was slipping down through the night!!